Student Leadership Team (SLT)

Student Leadership Team (SLT)
Student Leadership Mission Statement
Collaborate • Model • Educate
We, the student leaders of Oakstone Academy, strive to consistently and continually make Oakstone a better place through:
- Collaborating with the student body and administration to ensure that school experiences are the best they can be.
- Modeling the use of the 6 Pillars of Character for our middle and high school students.
- Educating students of all ages about the importance of the 6 Pillars of Character.
Student Leadership is composed of students in grades 7-12 who are passionate about their school and serving their fellow students. These students serve as ambassadors for the student body by bringing ideas and concerns from the student body to faculty and administration. Team members prioritize and form committees to accomplish projects and activities significant to the life of their school community. They meet regularly to promote the following school values:
– Model and encourage desirable attitudes of good character
– Provide a forum for student opinions, interest, and desires
– Provide organization, fundraising, and coordination of school-sponsored activities
– Utilize the ideas of students in solving relevant school issues
– Serve as a liaison between the student body and school faculty
– Spark school loyalty and pride
– Select projects and activities which seek to achieve purposes significant to the life of the school community
Projects and Activities Sponsored by Student Leadership:
• Peer Tutoring
• Dances & Social Events
• New Student Ice Cream Social
• Mentoring Program
• Fundraising to purchase new recess equipment
• Athletics Fundraising
• School Fundraising
To be considered for Student Leadership, students must be initially nominated by a staff member for consideration. Nominated students then submit an application along with 3 teacher recommendations. Additionally, each leader is expected to reflect the following traits:
• Integrity
• Dedication
• Humility
• Openness
• Creativity
• Fairness
• Assertiveness
• A Proactive Nature
• Outstanding Citizenship
• Clear Communication Skills
• Emotional and Academic Stability
“When we think of Student Leadership, we think of teamwork. We think of students working together to make our school a better place. We’re more than just a dance committee; we are a voice for the student body. We set the example for the rest of the student body by living by our character standards. We display trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and citizenship. Student Leadership, to us, is about being the best leader you can be.”
– Oakstone Academy Student Leaders