Lower School: Curriculum

Lower School: Curriculum
Taking the best from empirically-based traditional instruction and combining it with innovative approaches provides the balance for developing solid academic foundations in reading and math, with the excitement and fun of learning through multiple modalities and real-life experiences.
The lower school curriculum emphasizes academic achievement and highlights the importance of respect and social growth through character education. Small classrooms with 15 to 22 students are supervised by two licensed teachers and one assistant. The low student-to-teacher ratios allow children to move at their own pace with close teacher guidance as needed. Our classrooms are uniquely suited for gifted students who are able to move as rapidly through the curriculum as they are able, yet remain with their same-age peers. The small teacher to student ratio allows for ongoing small group instruction, which, in turn, means that students are ACTIVELY engaged in instruction with a high level of active participation throughout the day.
Community experiences are a large part of the Oakstone elementary curriculum. Field trips that enhance curriculum objectives as well as community partners (authors, COSI on Wheels, Children’s Theater, etc.) that are brought into the school enhance learning experiences for our students.
Character Education and Leadership are embedded into classroom curriculum, and is a priority for learning on a daily basis. Oakstone believes that educating students not only through academics, but through social opportunities, is important in educating the whole child. The opportunity to participate on a Student Leadership Team begins in fourth grade.