Our Community: Music

Our Community: Music
Preschool Music Program
At Oakstone Academy, we understand the importance music brings to the preschool program. Our teachers offer musical experiences daily through circle time activities that encourage singing, creative movement, and exploring simple musical instruments. A degreed music professional works with each classroom bi-weekly to help students explore music in their world and engage them in creative movement.
Lower School Music Program
In kindergarten students are exposed to the early concepts of music as they begin to learn how to work together to make music through the use of simple instruments.
Students in the first through third grades continue to develop music concepts through a recorder program. Students are taught to read music and understand related terminology while they learn to play with others. To showcase their accomplishments, students participate in two performances each year.
Fourth and fifth grade students have the opportunity to elect to be in the school band. The band instructor works with students and families to select an instrument appropriate for the young musician. Students who elect to participate in band have two sessions of instruction per week during the school day. These students participate in two performances each year, as well as occasional performances for the students during the school day.
Middle & Upper School
During their Middle and Upper School years, students interested in music have many options to explore at Oakstone Academy. A sequential music experience provides students with the knowledge and skills to experience, create, and enjoy singing, reading, writing, playing, or listening to music. Instruments and choreographed performances offer students hands-on and active experiences. Regardless of the type of music class enrolled in, classes are aimed to promote critical thinking and an appreciation and understanding of music.
The Ensembles at Oakstone Academy Upper School offer excitement by singing and creating music with other students through memorable performances.
Oakstone’s premier singing group. They focus on singing popular music in the acapella style. Students sing in close harmonies and vocal percussion (beatboxing). The group performs modern music such as Pompeii by Bastille, Radioactive by Imagine Dragons, and Treasure by Bruno Mars.
Concert Chorale
Along with Chorale and Oakappella in the High School Realm, we offer both Men’s and Women’s Ensembles. These groups are open to students from 8th – 12th grades, giving these students a chance to learn different styles of choral music and different styles. Our Performing Arts Department also participates in the OMEA Solo and Ensemble Contest each year, which offers the students a way to perform and receive objective, constructive comments from a professional music teacher teaching in another part of the state.
Middle School Band
Students in middle school band are starting to utilize their fundamentals learned in 4th and 5th Grade Band. Middle school band teaches the students independence on their instruments and understanding how to work out their parts on their own such as learning new and advanced notes, complex rhythms and instrument specific techniques. The classroom environment created allows students to ask questions on parts they are struggling on, a space to experience more advanced music, and an area to have a laugh with everyone.
Wind Ensemble
This is an audition-only music ensemble focused on high caliber playing. This group performs a variety of genres and pushes students to enhance their playing skills. This group plays at Upper School commencement and other functions throughout the year.