Vincent Krivda

Position: Adjunct Professor of Business, Adjunct Professor of Religion
Categories: College Courses

Vincent has over 35 years of experience in business consulting focused on Finance, Accounting, Supply Logistics, Contract Management, & Associate Director of Programs for governmental agencies, consulting environmental, information technology, and research & development firms.  Vincent is a retired Fellow of the National Contract Management Association and holds a lifetime certification as a Professional Certified Contracts Manager.  He has published several professional journal articles in the area of technology innovation and regulatory compliance.  Vincent is an ordained independent minister and currently engaged in research of ancient Semitic civilizations.  Vincent is also pursuing additional Hebrew language studies beyond graduate seminary through the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


B.A. Magna Cum Laude, Lee University 1984 – History

M.C.M, American Graduate University, 2008 – Contract Management

M.A. Liberty University, 2013 – Theological Studies