Early Childhood: Toddler Enrichment Program

Early Childhood: Toddler Enrichment Program
Children are exposed to an environment that promotes intellectual growth through exploration and play. Activities and routines provide endless opportunities for developing children’s imagination, critical thinking processes, and sense of belonging. Each day holds exciting new experiences that support all areas of development in children from birth to three years old. Small classes of approximately twelve children allow for individual nurturing, which is so important for this age. One licensed teacher and one to two qualified child care workers facilitate children’s interaction with the environment and each other.
We are a licensed daycare center and comply with all state daycare regulations. For each child with a confirmed or suspected delay, there is at least one typically developing toddler in the group.
A sample daily schedule:
-Many learning opportunities are embedded throughout playtime, such as pretend play (feed a baby, dress up, etc.), fine motor activities (puzzles, iPad, coins in a piggy bank, etc.), problem solving, social interaction (turn taking, initiating play, asking for help, etc.), language development (push/pull, up/down, requesting toys/songs, etc.) and time management (following a play schedule, transitional cues to clean up).
-Learning activities in literacy, math, science, and social studies are also embedded throughout playtime.
Literacy time
-Story time and book time promote awareness of books and print. Different books are introduced weekly to follow along with the class themes.
-Literacy-based activities are woven throughout the class routine, including art, sensory activities and play centers.
Motor and Movement
-Motor and movement are addressed in informal settings such as during music (dancing, clapping, stomping), play time (push/pull, cars and trains, building/crashing towers), and outside time (slides, teeter totters, etc.).
-Music is used for preparing children for transitions, exploring learning concepts, promoting movement and imitation, and encouraging language development.
-Art is a medium that encourages exploration, creativity, imagination, and sensory experiences. Learning concepts such as following directions, using utensils properly, and many more are creatively embedded in art activities.